
Saturday, February 27, 2010

I just love.....

  • watching my little boy play in his Spiderman costume that has built-in muscles. So adorable.
  • discussing with Evan how much we love each other, after reading "Guess How Much I Love You". Apparently he loves me "all the way up to the curtains".
  • giggles to the point of teary eyes, generated by much silliness as I and my girls play "Apples to Apples".
  • seeing Evan come in from an outing with Daddy. He tells me how much fun he had as they looked at all the cool boy toys.
  • observing as my 3 year old is praying with us, and realizing he knows way more words than I ever remember teaching. It's amazing what they pick up just by hearing everyone else.
  • the look on Skylar's face as she's being dropped off for karate. That place brings her so much joy.
  • how cute Alexa looks in her cozy robe.
  • the way Taylor bursts out in random laughter as she "I M's" her friends on the computer. Apparently they are a funny bunch.
  • spending time with John, when the kids are in bed. We can talk freely and watch shows that aren't on Sprout or Nick Jr. :)



1 comment:

Grandma Jo said...

I think you love being a Mommy. God bless you and yours.