
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Miraculous Day

I had been wanting to take the girls and Evan to see the Bluebells for some time now. I had been hearing about it from friends since last year, and it sounded lovely. (ETA: Lovely might be too strong a word. The flowers sounded lovely, but the tales of mud covered children an "adventure".) It's right here, too, in our own backyard, so there was no reason not to go. I planned on going with a group of ladies who go annually, but they planned it for Easter Monday, and I was unable to go that day. So I waited until it worked for our schedule and for the weather to cooperate. Almost two weeks later, I emailed a friend to see if the bluebells were still in bloom. She said they were, so I secretly planned to take the next day, a Friday, as a field trip. We have hardly done any nature study this year. I've been having a rough year for the "extras", but that's a whole other post.

On Friday morning, I packed up the nature bag full of binoculars, field guides, sunscreen, sketch books and pencils, etc., I was hoping we could do some real hands on science. Then I packed a picnic for us. All healthy food....carrots, nuts, craisins, grapes, cheese chunks, and fresh rolls that I baked just that morning. I prepared and packed things in the van and told the kids to get ready. They were puzzled, wondering what I had planned. I finally told them, once they were ready to go out the door. They were very excited! So was I.

We have been to Bull Run Park before, but never to see the bluebells, so I didn't know where to park and where the trails were. But luckily there were signs. It was such a gorgeous day! We were all in great spirits as we headed on the trail for this wonderful adventure.
I had heard the trail can get muddy, but was hoping for the best where that was concerned. It ended up not being too bad, but it is a little disconcerting when you see this at the start of the trail.........We hopped our way through this part of the trail, but after that it was only muddy in places. Then the path led to this...... It was beautiful! Taylor wanted to go in, and I know that many who frequent this place do let their children go in. I just wasn't ready for that this year. I plan on going at this full force next year, though, mud and all.
We stopped for a picture or two of the kids on the trail.

Then Taylor took Evan along the path slowly, while Alexa, Skylar and I took photos of the bluebells, the water, the trees.....there was just so much beauty. It was so peaceful and yet invigorating right there in that spot.

We decided to head back the way we came, since everyone was getting hungry. We found a spot to picnic and as I set up for lunch, with the help of my kids, they were all going on about how "cool" this was. And they were all smiling, all through lunch, and being nice and helpful to each other. They do get along at home (most of the time), but to have ALL of my kids THIS happy at the SAME TIME brought me such JOY! Miracles do happen.
Emerse yourself in God's beautiful creations and miracles are bound to happen.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Tina, the picture are lovely and your post is beautiful! It really is a special place. I'm so happy you went on the "adventure".