We went to Sky's swim lesson today. While we were there, my friend Robin told us that our area was supposed to get some bad storms. I didn't think much of it, but I was glad we only had a couple of stops to make on the way home.
Riding in the van, on our way, we heard on the radio that there was a severe storm warning being issued, but they didn't mention our area, so I figured we had some time. As we pulled into the parking lot, it looked a little dark off in the distance, so I mentioned to the girls that I didn't want to take too long in the Party Store.
Inside, we got distracted (as I so often do when I shop), and the windows in the front of the store were covered with a huge sign, so we couldn't see out. As we stood in line to check out, I noticed through the front doors of the store that it was looking really dark now. Yikes.
We checked out, headed into the parking lot and the wind started blowing, and small rain drops started falling. I just had this feeling we did not have much time. I told the girls to run. I think they thought I was overreacting (as I sometimes do). By the time we got to the van, the rain was pounding and the wind was blowing. I opened the door and told the Alexa and Sky to get in. I told Taylor to get the bags, then I went for Evan. That poor kid was so scared! I put him in his seat and told his sisters to strap him in because the stroller was still out there. I ran out, put it away, then climbed through the van to get to the front seat. It was a blowing, pounding rain and there was lightening everywhere. With everyone safe inside, we looked at each other and we were a sight! We were soaked! Poor Evan had water just dripping down his face and he was still crying. We dried him with Alexa's sweater that had been left in the van, then I made him feel better with what else? Chocolate, of course. We sat there for about 10 minutes eating chocolate and watching the storm.
Then we headed for home as the storm calmed down. There was debris everywhere and at one point a fallen tree was completely blocking both lanes of the road! Evan fell asleep on the way home. It was past his naptime at that point.
I love a good thunderstorm, but wow, this was intense! And frankly I prefer to enjoy a good storm from inside our cozy house.
Hope this day finds you cozy and safe.
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