First Snow Edition
I am wearing: Light blue, striped jammie pants and a long sleeved blue T. High black socks and two hairbands on my wrist. As you can tell, I'm not exactly ready for the day.
I am thinking: of how we only have 2 weeks left until Christmas and although I still have plenty to do, I want to savor every minute of it. It's such a fun and memory-making time of year.
I am hearing: The heater running, Evan watching Arthur's Christmas in the other room, and the garbage truck outside (at least I think it's the garbage truck).
I am praying for: peace.....in our home, in this country, in the world.
From the kitchen: leftovers tonight (pulled chicken and bruchetta chicken), and beyond that.....let's just say I need a trip to the store. Lots of baking and candy making will happen this week.
The liturgical year celebrations: Today is the Feast of Saint Lucy. A Teatime and candle rolling sound just about perfect for it. Maybe we can make some "candle cookies" too. We'll see what time allows for.
Plans for later this week: hmmmm.....karate and preschool group, Christmas shopping, baking and perhaps a trip to walk through Old Town (if the temps warm up a tad). It's so pretty in Old Town this time of year.
There's also a Drive Through Nativity this coming weekend that I'd like to check out. It's being put on by a local church.
Skylar's Birthday is tomorrow! And even though it is, she is going with her Squire Roses group to sing Christmas Carols and help with Bingo at a local nursing home. She's got a big heart. Her birthday party will be this Saturday.
I am remembering: family members that have passed away and will be missed this Christmas. I want to remember them, and talk about them as we celebrate.
I am reading: The Advent Reflections book I mentioned last time. I can't remember the name of it and it's up in my room. It's been a nice way to begin or end the day, depending on my day.
Also reading Jotham's Journey with Alexa and Sky. That's a very interesting Advent journey. We read Tabitha's Travels last year and I used to read it to Taylor when she was younger, but in the Spring, we invested in Jotham's Journey and Barthomew's Passage. We'll do Bartholomew next year. So glad I have the whole series. These are worth passing down to grandchildren.
I am enjoying: this Advent season with all it's preparations. And seeing Christmas through my childrens eyes.
I am thankful for: this warm house. I opened the door to see John off this morning and WOW is it cold! And such a bitter wind is blowing!
From the schoolroom: Still going on with the basics so we don't fall behind. I hope to do some "Christmas School" with Evan this week. Should be fun!
A Picture Thought:
Right after we decorated the tree this year, the kids got a little silly and "creative" in posing for pictures. :)
For more Daybook entries, stop by Peggy's
Have a wonderful day!
Love seeing those grandchildren so happy!! What a joy they are! We don't have our tree decorated yet. Getting there. Love reading this blog of yours - almost like being there - but not really. I do like hearing about how you are doing, though! Thanks for sharing! LYAB
Your children are beautiful. I enjoyed your daybook. More Christians need to be praying that prayer. Happy New Year. Doylene
Glad you stopped by mom. Another way technology helps us keep in touch. ;)
Thank you, Doylene. And Happy New Year to you, too!
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