The kids waiting for me to start reading
The Legend of the Candycane as they enjoy their candycanes......

Yummy peppermint tea for Sky and I although she wasn't a "fan", shall we say. But she was brave enough to try. ;)

Prepping for the "candycane smash"....

Smashing time!

The results......success!

Mom's job.....melting the white chocolate and adding the peppermint flavoring.

Spread it out and add the Peppermint Smash.

Chill and then break into bark. :)

A yummy December day!
1 comment:
Wow looks so yummy! I got some of the white chocolate but its in chunks. I hope it still melts ok. I'll read on the package. Maybe I'll microwave melt. Wish a I had a few of those kids here to help do my "smashing!" I also have to buy the peppermint flavoring and some candy canes. Tina, you have such fun activities the kids will always remember!! LYAB
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