
Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Knew They Would Enjoy It!

I posted yesterday about the toddler bag exchange we are participating in. I also mentioned how I thought my girls might like some of these activities, too. Well, I was right....

While Evan, aka "The Toddler", slept, his 2 older sisters requested a craft. They asked for the puppet-making craft in particular, because they had seen it the day before. I decided that there was plenty of stuff in the bag for Evan to have his turn eventually, so I let them go.

A little later, sister #3 joined in. They had a good time with it, and even used their puppets to entertain him later. He loved it!

After all this, Alexa requested another craft (my poor kids have been "craft-deprived" lately), so I had her decorate this picture frame. She decorated it with hearts and flowers for St. Anne (feast of St. Joachim and St. Anne on Saturday). Then we glued the holy card inside. It turned out lovely and we put it in our prayer corner.



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